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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  November 6, 2012 10:00am-11:00am PST

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yes, we canh moremea's momurpose and"r cwñnd ien onktsh orsy win tola >> pretty 'rlf er t t or danr tosse distan oine ha i a88o nd t mare pollslsç5 ar ngook for e lyhgal rek?>> arend ainohe!zthouts m i--ic >> fr-apud nd acrginia ubde -orngn' ahalp -- aeeo ae ouuse hebet.ohe eouaggi thchano.wa a idfirs t sfot hist ;4m:x 08]em t yog!ntte se t ncá ra whymuha ce sondilyut eyx nhejt esident at he knocked on 375,00door of e feered. heknow g y. thisl hey ag forhifoofdingaxost as omevastation. weg case thatesidens, yoo f cr ink t foremost, cals el ooking hñat.t's xre oeo onue ne our ob>>erime >> s fgor.rb tawrenceep c'dnd stndrea mif dot our o problehu . atcome eplaceme.s what's your m 345-2550 after that s away in ja2550 with the ngl d#f i' tdd#rencielúocs. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i usglobal800-3ç5-2550 ñtheir equity s tdd#: based on things l have independent n0-345-2550 and economist in5-2550 plus, i ca to their glal td.
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d#: 1-800-345-2550 çji3íroy>#tqzjudp thist an i our thisar a a work rig help me ben a nearlyeilñght-year quest for the presidencye of ce.sippi governor and t talk abo romney road dpeople say there are several i believe romney will carry/ indiriedí4orth c carry agco i believe c may have but ine andandrea which ever making certainly and think he will carry all of but the -- then to make o what you al combiontes. 3rl e mate from ryan's voi and wisconsin enough play for em.g7e y to an wí national chairman? gh>> i'm in the attention in anc way tn elue the oba mont make t election t rendition plutocrat, he was a vulture't care about periar level of campaign ad coincidenc f august started before the ryan got picked. and iconsinena!t arguablym if the not inhabited the white ho le so moving to
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right and in candidates candidates of some race re and that heong make the move that he made duriiing the debates andeeing now we saw during the primaries. what say you? our nin anybody. i didhink it madenybody ok to have 25 idea. a second bhe debates let them be theat >>ai parties, that's had cheerin sections. >> they were controldi)el but accepted your primary did not help make any of adgood. >>mam it's been done theoll like every election year iasstruck 34% of people who weref course, that's a going to be but of the evo voted forobama. 4% lead ry the voting 65 to t a that is clearly a ver haley barbour, always good tu, esp day and good luck to your what candidday. campaign >> the p closing at 7:30 time we maying. more aheadhell our t's and dot our i's, uno problems. namely, other humans. i> at liberty mutual insurance, come nep and accident forgiveness if you quatí
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one a day 50+. follow the wings. l=kpcampaign. i know thaters and justthusiastic and working just as hard we've it's going to ultimatel turnya out. obama at a making heading to at this hour while paul ryan swings by virginia. president obama has beein stat candidates alll au ohio$ earlier to veteran democratic strategis w. we're seei last-minute campaig i'm not surew how you read these las efforts byrly theuçã republicans but also vice president biden cleveland on either they thinky can't expan to pennsylvania do something minnesota or they're on the edge in pennsylvania and ohio and that's whyplaces. normally you would who went to last day was 1992. i don'tt that you get a lot of v >> there's been a lototh s and
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energized c campaigns, particula sguably a lot of their campaign supremelydent in their modet out the vhow do you think that the to this but they're havin easier day than the romney i think that the structure of theoral o vote operation, what we knowng alkythough now you're gettient people claiming different things about earlys likelihood the presicodent winsalk to thatúepublicans, not people in the romney campaign but republicans, say, we may be -- ohb0io is the bunknowr yeah. >> nd have john kerry. >> switch halftmstadium eople lined of >> >> people hos to vote and them left and never did vote. g people wait to ten vote is a poll about it. ohio hussted thsecretary of state, votepecially, and to students and, you know, we it your g nd happens because states want to control of that system. e had somebody in tate pass bill which was thrown want to help governorromney i.e., we want to dis8%enfranchisewho don't have t. minor barack obama. to dealemil a settled. 5í the campaign. a 24-hour day of campaig
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nothing lik15 16 hours you go this sometimes the wr believ pheof the partisan er peoplere aist early in the morni i' writtent is going to win and memberships you'r role now, teach atnyuho to st >> thank you.practice. shrum. up coverage, our reportersn facebook and tm this only on gd we believe the more you ku trwegyearning, plus, in-branch seminars tame, seven dollar trades are just the start.our teams have the information you want when you need it. it's a [ all ] i'm with scottruade.0#np
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♪ constipated? ye some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. egular life.illips'. election dayorts" o iound the live-+ from oht president obama's election headq of course 1 power and tomorrow night's anticipatedtill on track t as bracing more power outages potentially, in bringing in trailers and prefab houses after katrina, more than 20,000 people are the jersey sh e working away at c sand tha cleanup and how it's >> well the rough start in some places like here in there are instances sites that didn't have power, that neededd a similar situati long har
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two here wherey usually are best they can aotally it seems turnout is brisk here at the end of power came back on and this town hoboken, city haslot. across abou had to be what the anticipated problems didhappen. there's also been a lot of talk about voting here in new jersey which the governor authorized for people who have be the storm.g andti of people ud and also about the precedent this might /÷ there's a rule voting by fax and e-mail a paper ballot as well. toake it as easy as possible to vote in new yorbe taking advantage of it. >> ron allen,ha update. kelly o'donnell live in columbus. the polls close at in ohio and it could be a long night, indeed, if it's as close as it has been >> well here. there are four precincts that are votination ph9ç@2 andferent lines, of the before work crer but people in and lots of families coming kids getting process up close w enthusiaqsm. more broadly, we're hea both campaigns about their relativeout whaohio. the obama team has stressed to
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us t place with lots offices it forzv volunteers to work the phones and help 've met some of those today who want to turnout. we're hearing from)hat voter turnout in communitiesenefit the suburnbare they believe they ha voters. the operation to get out the vote can be so complicated that i voted and whee to people haven't gotten to9 the polls yet them out. later on today we'll bstate's columbus. he will beoverseeing the results. wondering if it's going to be a long don't zero. thank you so much, kelly. >> peter alexander, a long road for headquarters in boston. what is t emotional state and these rallies hav wrapping it up in new hampshire where it all began? >> yeah. andrea first of all last night s a unique event. ould see the emotion in ann and mitt romney as theyju took the 10,000 arena in moment when ann walked to th pau: wow. i clocked it. standing ovation that lasted roughly 3 and a half minutes. we haven't see campaign. they feel confident. one of the top advisors to
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governor romney telling us a that we will win ohio. he said. if we come out live now, want to give you a sense of what the will look like tonight, pan the camera this direction.ief look around. as the course of the last several months we have heard routinely governor romney would ck had up duringational convention four years ago, well this place is a whole lot moref thean that but they expect to have a large crowd tonight. governor romneywlerning from reporters traveling w him he'll be back here shortly after 7:00 with stops in ohio and of his campaigneadquarters to say thank yo stopped by a wendy' pounder no cheese chilior a guy that eats almost exclusively ganic, i'm suspect. >> carbing up. >> kristen welker in c kristen, a basketball game that reggie love has organized so that is the preelection routine. the president has done some interviews with affiliates around the country. >> that's absolutely right. that basketball game isn day tradition for preside and i'm told actually that he
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e-mail reggie love last week to ask him to start setting this is a moment that is filled with a lot of anticipation but also anostalgia, thinking back to four years ago when this all began. of course, president obama the incredibly emotional event last night in iowa. that is the state that delivered them their first victory back in 2008. mr. oba embraced the first lady for several seconds before ke to an incredibly> krist campaign headqua
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looming fiscal cliff. joining me bill burton former deputy white house press secretary and co-founders of priorities usa and michael steele msnbc analyst and former chairman. bill burton you were involved in one of theer pacs on behal of the president. it's been very sides of advertising, both campaigns. what about the fact that somebody's going to be president, we hopenow tonight or tomorrow at the latest, and then how do you begin negotiating with the political opposition? well i think, you know, a lot of money has been spent in this election and i think people will h questions over on the republican side hundreds of dollars weren't just no we feel like we were able to have an impact and feel good about that. if you look at what's election there are huge problems looming for when theue president is re-elect the and i think that him sitting down with speakerd and trying to figure out what the best path forward is in a way that actually breaks some of the logjam in washington and gets a deal on this fiscal cliff is going to be right at the center of -- right at the center of
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what happens right afterwards. besides that you've got the recovery from hurricane sandy the president will have to deal with as well. there are big issues that need to be taken on immediately. >> been hearing de harry reid from the i talked to eric cantor yesterday, no give on their going in positions. >> no. >> but after an election dofast? >> things get real in aurry and bill's touched on a of them. the fiscal cliff is just the beginning of the many cl that the nexnd i will bill to this extent the day after the president obama, they call harry reid if majority leader and call speaker bainer if he's still the office, no cameras, no press, no highfalutin photo op and get real about sroface. cuts the fiscal the debt ceiling all these things will be on that desk waiting and the president and hie going to have to come clean and honestd say gentlemen, this is going to be executive leadership here. i'm the commander in chief o goif chief of these are things i need out of the
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house and senate to get this done. i don't think we can afford to wait another four ys is a real moment. >> you're not going to be able to wait until?b january 20th. duck or something at least postponed, action. >> there will be action. i think there's going to be a little kicking in the lame-duck session ashings sort of get sorted out with the would probably agree that whether it's in thehouse, everybody is going to be scrambling to see who lines up where but once thatttles they will get serious. i don't expect lot except for the short term we've got to deal with this, push it down six months and refigure out whato in april next year. onal time. >> i don't think to be a lot of time the hope has to be and i'm with chyou kn the president to make progress and everybody being able toome nextut coming out of an electircuit breaker moment in this country where in washington, our leaders, the presidentng big done hopefully right the track record hasn't been such with the president working with this congress but that is the hopeig problems and it's a moment
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where -- that can be seized to do big things. k >> wpfe only have a few left but isn't it your sense as, both of real issues that are going to face whoever gets elected have not really been discussed as i needed to be during this on the fiscal cliff i think that really has not been a hation was ak that that's going one of the issues that the president faces come next year. that wasn't people were discussingitherto the the right on i it -- the lines were drawn very early. i think you make a good point maybethat will be taken on weren't a biggest part of the coverage of happening. >> bh n terms of what they're going to be facing. >> this table by the administration. it was a leadership moment the president to take up and the romney teamúuv on the defensive a little bit. that was passed up. as well. i think to the broader point, big things need to báúu things n to come out of this belection and the inauguration with the h lifting and the good work that needs to be done coming january 22nd. >> michael steele thank you so much. billhanks to you. up next calissa
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with final thoughts about the next 24. what we'll know and what we're first a look at awhere the polls are closing at 8:00 eastern tonight, and we'll be right back. pl [ "odd couple" theme plays ]ss our t's and dot our i's, oblems. r humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes liberty mutual insurance. responli what's your policy?
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we know which story will bek making next 24 hours today an sri chris, what are you looking at and what earliest signs that you're going to be watching as you go into foamtomorrow? >> if you can't tell already, andrea, i'm excited. election day is like my birthda wedding anniversary this is a wonderful day. it's a good day fordemocracy. this is a to day. it's awesome. what am i lookingfor?ohio florida. all the polls in thosetes close bef few polls in florida
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that state open on the panhandle until 9:00. mitt romney can't in doesn't win virginia florida and ohio it's watch those three states. he has to win at lea those thre those three westward to iowa nevada, colorado&2 relevant to 270votes.ohio virginia and withoul+t florida, ohio and virginia probably don't awmatter >> let's hope we're not bogged down in electoral florida and ohio wh vote is what where evho is abl most important a clean result in clear one side or the other. you might not like the result clear more people ancandidates. i think that's probably a good thing for whether you're a partisan on the left or >> forget house senate races, governor races, and vote. van hollen and my xlej subpoena here next. make sure you vote. all day and night with results. m bing elections. do you know where your polling maybe use. mine's just, right over that way. well you can find out exactly cs. which way do you lean politically? well, using the bing news selector you can find news from whichever way you lean.ether) social on this side
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financial. a majority in the senate? th on ken? joe comes in a paper cup johan comes in a porcelain vessel, crafted with care by a talented blonde from sweden. ♪ ♪smooth, rich, never gevalia. ranteejust because of an acciden smart kid. arinbx g:g
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♪ ! ♪8 layers of whole grain fiber in those mini-wheats® biscuits... to help farm. 45 bushels o there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yeehaw! those fun hello, everyone. i'm tamron hall. the "news nation" is following the moment truth. after all the,váá predictions, the power is with lines ever since the
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opened this morning. this as both campaigns are on the ground the first polls close. making an unpr stops on election virginia. the governor and his running are on the ground inand. stop together before going their ttsburgh and rynrichmond. the president also out and about today visiting a polling s
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